Monday, 16 April 2012

Brief 05 - Diamond Cuts and Shapes

Diamonds are formed very deep within the earth (approximately 150-200km down), when carbon is crystallized by pressure and high heatover a long period of time – in fact, most diamonds are between about 1 and 3.3 billion years old before they reach the surface of the earth! 

Diamonds are found in lots of different places around the world. Some of the largest diamond-producing countries includeAustraliaCongoRussia, and South Africa

brilliant is a diamond or other gemstonecut in a particular form with numerous facets so as to have exceptional brilliance. The shape resembles that of a cone and provides maximized light return through the top of the diamond.

Evolution of Diamond Cuts:

Old European Cut Diamonds: The old European cut is an older form of the brilliant cut, that is less precisely cut than a brilliant cut. 

Diamond Shapes:
The shape of the diamonds could be how I categories the range of products. Each shape could have a particular name that reflects the concept and name of the brand. The packaging itself could be suited to each shaped jewel to compliment it. Another way to categories the products could be throughout their diamond colour, however I think the diamond cut and shapes could be more visually interesting as they are quite detailed and intricate.

Round Cut Diamonds- There are many verities of round cut diamonds. Some of the most popular are:
•Brilliant Cut Diamonds: The brilliant cut diamond was first cut in the 1600’s in the court of the French king, Louis the XIV. The modern round brilliant cut wasn’t perfected until the turn of the 20th century. Round brilliant cut diamonds are one of the most popular cuts for diamond solitaire engagement rings.

Cushion Cut/Old Mine Cut Diamonds:The cushion cut was most popular in the 1800’s. It is a variation of the brilliant cut. The cut of the diamond allows lots of light to travel threw the diamond, making it one of the most sparkly diamond cuts.

Emerald Cut- The emerald cut is a long flat stone with mitered corners. It is less sparkly than many diamonds, but is perfect to showcase colored diamonds. An emerald cut settings often includes side stones to enhance the diamond. An emerald cut looks bigger for its carat weight than many other cuts. If you want a big rock, and are not as conserved about the sparkle, consider an emerald cut. 

Heart Cut Diamonds- Heart cut diamonds are one of the easiest shapes to remember. It’s shaped like a heart. Choose the time you buy a heart cut carefully. Heart cuts are in high demand around Valentine’s Day and Christmas.

Marquise/Navette Cut Diamonds- The marquise cut was developed to resemble the mouth of King Louis XV’s mistress. They are most often seen as the center stone of engagement rings.

Oval Cut Diamonds: Oval Cut diamonds are covered in triangular facets. Most oval cut diamonds look like a swished brilliant cut.

Pear/Teardrop cut Diamond: The pear cut diamond was very popular in Elizabethan England. The pear shape is pointed at one end and round at the other, like a pear or teardrop.

Princess Cut Diamond:The princess cut was developed in Holland at the turn of the 20th century. The princess cut is very similar to the brilliant cut, and very sparkly.

Radiant Cut Diamonds:The radiant cut is one of the most recent diamond cuts. It was created in 1977 by the Radiant Cut Diamond Company. The radiant cut is a square or rectangle cut ,similar to an Emerald cut, but with more sparkle.

Asscher Cut Diamonds- The asscher cut was developed at the turn of the 20th century.
The asscher cut is the forerunner the now popular Emerald cut. It is square with cropped corners. There are several types of asscher cuts:
Baguettes: Are long thin oblong asscher cuts. 
Step/Table Cut: Are square asscher cuts. They look like a pyramid that doesn’t come to a point.

Diamond Features:

What makes a good cut,” you may ask. The quality of a diamonds cut is affected by many factors.

1) Proportions: How wide and tall the diamond is will directly affect the brilliance of the stone.

a. Diamonds that are cut to shallows will not sparkle as much.

b. Diamonds that are too deep will not sparkle as well, because all the light will go out the sides of the diamond.

2) Symmetry: Symmetry of a diamond is how well the facets are aligned to make the diamond sparkle

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