Monday, 23 April 2012

Brief 05 - Jewellery Brand - Typeface Scale & Selection

To create the shapes of the diamond using the phrases that are relevant to that shaw, I chose some calligraphic typefaces to work with to see which would work well. These include: Tangerine Regular & Bold, Arizona, CAC-Champagne, Great Vibes, Lovers-Quarrel. I printed them off in different point sizes so I can trace them over the diamond shapes over a Lightbox to see how the words will fit.

Open publication - Free publishing - More brand

And these are the diamond shapes that the phrases need to fit into. Similarly with the typefaces I printed them off in two different sizes just as I was not sure how the typeface would work within the shapes, as some phrases have less words than the others, so would therefore not take up as much space unless they were in a larger point size:

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