Monday, 16 April 2012

Brief 05 - Jewellery Brand - Name

Using the name Rockvault..

I looked at using some Sans Serif type, as the brand needs to be quite bold, striking and important.
Typefaces include: Myriad Pro Regular, Arial Regular, Gill Sans Light and Regular, Code Pro Regular, Code Pro Light, Univers Condensed, Univers Light Oblique, Futura Medium.

 I noticed that the V letter could be used in the shape of a diamond. So I experimented with this in Futura:

Still not sure about the brand name however I do like the strong, bold appearance of the typeface. However the diamond within the get in the centre hash;t worked as well as I thought as it isn;t quite central. It may work better alone, but then again is a diamond too obvious for a logo element. I could experiment with this, or take it away and just work on a bespoke typeface that characterises the nature of a diamond. Clean cut and beautiful.

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