Monday, 27 February 2012

Brief 01 - Student Pages Layout Changes

To make the pages more consistent, the FA team liked the use of the line (separating the name and statement) but to use it at the same level on each page, however still allowing for the text to be slid across to where it bets sit sin the composition. The layout they were most happy with was the Annie Driver one as the line really seemed to add to and work well with the composition. This gave us a basis to work from for the rest of the layouts:

Here are the specifications that we are working to:

- 210 x 210 mm format
- 12 collumn 3mm gutters
- 12 row 3mm gutters
- Margins: top-5mm, bottom-5mm, inside-10mm, outside-5mm

- Latin Modern Roman Bold 14pt
- third row down

- Helvetica Neue Light 10pt with 14pt leading
- left aligned to same collumn point as Name
- 4 collumn width

- same place on each layout page
- directly between title and body text
- 0.25pt

Contact Info:
- Latin Modern Roman Regular 12pt with 16pt leading
- bottom row
-left aligned to same collumn point as name and body text

 I made the following changes to each layout, consider the FA feedback:

Adam Jenkins -
They thought this layout worked well but they also wanted to see the largest image on the right hand side on it's own, as they felt it was enough to showed who he is as an artist. The contact info move to the bottom

Alice Wheeler -
They were really happy with this layout. The name and statement need to be adjusted to the same level as the Annie Driver layout, also move the contact info to the bottom.

Alison Button -
Works really well with the close up image as the large one (detail), but seems too busy with 3 images, just use the close up and then one of the structure forms (keep the top right) and then adjust the info to the right level with the line.

Anamaria Mazec-Smith -
This was the longest name, but to get it to sit right within the four columns it had to be brought down from 16pt to 14pt, therefore I have changed the rest of the name heading to 14pt too. This also needs to be brought up to the right line level. They didn't like the 3 images as they felt they were all very different and where fighting for attention. They suggested using the centre image as a large one on its own as it was the most striking.

Annie Driver - 
Change head/name point size to 14pt

Calum Paterson - 
Again they said the image were too busy and suggested using the centre, grey image alone would portray the artist well.

Christiana Bell -
They were happy with this layout. Contact info needs moving down to bottom of grid.

Christopher Frietag -
They weren't sure about this grid as they were;t happy with the large image and felt it was strong enough to portray him, they said they would speak to the student and get him to send more photographs. But in the mean time said to get rid of the large image and use the lego block image as the large image, and the sourcing image as a small supporting image. The info needs moving down to line level.

Elizabeth Trainer -
Get rid of sketch, just use photograph of clay alone and large. Move info to line level and contact details to bottom.

Emma Mort -
Use grey, pin image alone as a large image over one page to the other. The brightness may need adjusting as it is quite dark, or another photograph may need to be taken. The info needs moving to line level and the contact info to the bottom of the info collum.

Jenna Watt -
Use two images rather than the three (more effective) large scale touching the edges of the page and no gap between the two image. Move info to line level and contact details to bottom of grid.

Joe Lang -
They said the 3 images he had supplied us with were not adequate as they were photographs of old work, and they are all very different pieces of work. However they said they would speak to him about this and ask what he would prefer to use. For the mean time they said to use the large image on its own. Also the info needs moving to line level and the contact details to the bottom of the grid.

Here are the various layouts for each student with the above changes, which we will show to FA and ask which they think work best:

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