Thursday, 10 May 2012

Brief 02 - Fashion Lookbook Wallet

I thought it would be quite nice to design a wallet/slip for the look book, for when they sent out to people on request, to add that special touch to them. I chose black to work with the collection and brand identity, however it could also be worked contrastingly in white say for the alternation between spring/summer and autumn/winter collections

I payed around with the idea of using the pattern laser cut onto card so that the cookbook is slightly reveal underneath. I played with a few variations were a diamond square was cut through the centre to reveal the logo but I think I prefer if when the logo on the froth of the cookbook is not viable because it then makes you want to tai fit out of the wallet and see. As for the log pattern going over the edges, they re a bit flimsy so I would have to not let the pattern go over the edges next time:

Brief 02 - Look book Wallet

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