Monday, 30 January 2012

NHS - St Martins Practice - Meeting

Just had a quick briefing about the meeting which is arranged for next Monday at 3pm, at the practice.
We need to set a deadline with them for when we need to hand in our pitch boards. (A2/3 boards)

A few things I can start to design ideas for:

- logo - variations - colour
- how it could work over a range of media
- stationary
- wayfinding
- flyers
- leaflets

Together with the rest of the people who are interested in the brief we came up with a set of question that we want to ask at the meeting next Monday. And a few things for them to find out before we meet them.

To do:

- research into private practices, e.g. Bupa, how their branding works across media.
- initial design ideas

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